Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dreams N Ambitions Clothing Line

Hello world! How have you been since I've been gone? It's been quite a while since I posted anything on my blog but it feels good to be writing again. This time I have some news to share. I am currently in the process of launching my brand new clothing line and brand name, Dreams N Ambitions clothing!!! My partner and close friend of mine and myself came up with the idea to launch a clothing line about 11 months ago. We just talking like we normally do when we came up with the idea to start a clothing line called DNA clothing. Originally, the DNA represented Dennis and Amaobi, which would be the acronyms for our name but we did not think it would be very marketable. Why would anyone else care who Dennis is Amaobi are and what they'll selling right?? Sooo, after some brainstorming and heavy thinking, I came up with the name Dreams N Ambitions, and the rest is history. Dreams N Ambitions is designed for everyone to wear and enjoy. Who doesn't have dreams and ambitions?? If do not have a dream then you should find one. It's what keeps you motivated to live and keep going. Ambition gives us the push we need to do things we may be afraid of or doubt we can do. This is more than a brand or a clothing line, Dreams N Ambitions is a way of life and I ,proudly, would like to share THIS dream with the world! Mo Skrillz, DNA Founder

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